Flow energy is when we let go of resistance, trust the process and accept what is, as it is. Force on the other hand, is when we wrestle with ourselves, trying to control things, causing stress, disillusionment, fear and suffering.
Let’s take a closer look at how you can bring in more in flow energy in your day to day:
Develop The Skill of Non-Attachment
As you develop non-attachment, you learn to interact with experiences, thoughts, and feelings without becoming overly fixated or controlled by them. It involves cultivating a mindset that allows for greater flexibility and adaptability.
To get started: Accept thoughts and emotions without judgment, recognise that they don’t define you. Build self-worth that isn’t dependent on external validation. Honour who you are by practicing self-compassion.
Be Practical In Your Approach
It’s important to note that non-attachment doesn’t mean emotional disconnection, but rather a healthy engagement with life’s experiences.
To get started: With becoming practical, look at life situations with a realistic view. Try and see the learnings in experiences and adopt a mindset that’s open to growth. Seeing life from a glass half full perspective, rather than half empty, enables a shift in positive flow energy.
Practice Acceptance
Acceptance and letting go is key to creating more flow and building your resiliency muscle. When a challenging situation arises, such as rejection, disappointments, betrayal and so on.
These are all hurtful and overwhelming feelings that can cause emotional upheaval, particularly when there’s no real understanding of what happened.
To get started on how to practice acceptance – See a situation as it is, not your fault, not ‘why’ but rather view it as, “What is the universe, life, trying to teach me from this situation?’’ and ask, “Can I change it right now?” if the answer is ‘no’, then take a deep breath and say “I hand it over to the universe, I let it go, I accept, forgive, I release, I am now at peace.” breathe.
After saying the mantra, you’ll feel a shift and lightness. Take a few long deep breaths. Continue practicing everyday to embody the shift of energy for your greater good.
Keep being in flow.
With love, Ant xo