Soul Symmetry Journey: 4 Pillars To Open Your Mind, Heart, and Energy To Live With Greater Fulfilment & Joy

Soul Symmetry Journey: 4 Pillars To Open Your Mind, Heart, and Energy To Live With Greater Fulfilment & Joy

The Soul Symmetry Journey supports others to live authentically, mindfully, attuned in self-care and develop confidence to step into their best. The aim is to encourage, inspire and motive individuals to create a life and career that feels meaningful and purposeful for greater satisfaction, fulfilment and joy.

Let’s look at a brief overview of the 4 pillars, to relish in for deeper connection with self, connection to purpose and connection to others:

✨Conscious Confidence

Develop confidence that feels authentic to you. Confidence starts from the inside, knowing oneself deeply and embracing every part of yourself. Becoming more conscious by growing in self-awareness and taking actionable steps to become your most confident self.

✨Intentional Self-Care

Taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Being intentional is when we are committed and consistent with our well-being regime. knowing that it’s part of our daily routine to look after ourselves.


Stepping into your power-zone, speaking from your heart centre, voicing your opinions and setting effective boundaries. Connecting with others in a collaborative manner. Opening up to your creativity. Seeing the bigger picture – being open to reach rise and thrive.

✨Life & Career Direction

Finding a life and career direction that feels authentic and meaningful to you, not what others want for you, what you want for yourself. Finding a purpose that brings you joy and connection on all levels for greater life satisfaction.

Enjoy the journey

With love, Ant xo

Ready to live with more meaning and purpose? Download your FREE e-book here:


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