The Love Map, encourages a peaceful energy state. Forging clarity, connection, safety and capacity to deal with life, with greater self-awareness, resilience and emotional ease.
The overwhelm, the to do list and all other things that happen in a day, moves us far away from stillness. To access your body brilliance, take a few deep breaths and start noticing sensations that arise in your body. If you feel tension in parts of your body, don’t resist, allow the sensation to be and breathe in it gently and watch it slowly dissipate, trusting in the process.
Remember, emotions are energy and information, nudging you to seek a better way forward. Rather than hiding in shadow energy, not yet open to seep in the light. Tip, to cultivate a healthier relationships with difficult emotions, pause, breathe and ask them to reveal why they are there. Example as an enquiry, say; ‘Thank you for arriving, what are you trying to tell me and what do I need to know deeply for my highest good?” Gently breathe and trust in what arises.
Energy gets stored in our body and the cycle influences the entire realm on how we feel as a whole. To access a healthy mental state, start becoming more mindful of your thoughts, switch ‘from being attached to a thought, into a curious witness behind the thought. You’ll move into being more present, grow stronger in self-awareness and in control of how you think, feel and behave.
Fostering a greater connection with what you love and what’s important to you, paves the way to discover callings, purpose, what impact you want to make and how you see yourself serving. The vision, to show up in the world as a committed collaborator, with heart, soul and love.