4 Keys To Lead From Greater Connection With Self

4 Keys To Lead From Greater Connection With Self

As we become more attuned with our true self, such as finding what’s important to us, identifying our values, our needs, our aspirations. How we want to portray our identity to the world in an authentic way, enables the capacity to lead with flow.

Let’s take a closer look at 4 ways we can cultivate evoking a deeper connection with self:

✨  Deep Breathing

To get clarity and avoid going into reactivity mode, take 3 long deep breaths, as this practice allows for the nervous system to become calm and gives way to pause and stop. Pausing, offers some mental space and a immediate reset, so you can shift to a different perspective, and respond in a loving harmonious way.

✨  Be The Witness State of Awareness

Instead of being attached and identified with what’s happening in the moment, take a few deep long breaths and shift your mindset to observing the situation, rather than being caught up in it. You do this by firstly, breathing to calm yourself down and deciding to be the “witness behind the thought.” Being the witness allows you to look at your behaviour and others objectively. Managing relationships with better capacity in the moment and for future circumstances.

✨  Engage in Curiosity & Wonder

Curiosity and wonder are fundamental skills to learn and grow your connection with self. Being curious and opened to the practice of wonder, creates and aligns with possibility and potential, that may not have been on your radar before. Curiosity, let’s you explore, seeking information and ‘wonder’ allows for emotional awareness and reflection. You can practice both of these via journaling or sitting down in silence, going for a walk alone, taking in what comes up.

✨  Welcome Enquiry

Byron Katie, author, once said that ‘we are either attached or enquiring.’ I couldn’t agree more with her statement. When we are attached, we are lost, identified in a trance state of being in a situation and don’t have much control of our emotions and thoughts. However, when we start enquiring, we welcome the opportunity to move out of victim mode, or looping negative thoughts, into a productive, actionable ‘observer.’ We take responsibility and set intentions from a place of strength and choice. A brilliant recipe for greater connection with self.

Enjoy greater connection with self.

With love, Ant xo


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