Start by recognising what you’re feeling, sit with the emotions without judgment. This process offers exploration for more insight. Know that when there’s more understanding, there’s greater capacity to accept and release and let go.
Get a note book, add a line down the middle of the page. At the top on the left hand side, write ‘objective view’ and on the right side, write, ‘subjective view.’ Then write down the facts under objective view, look at it from a point of view from somewhere else, so become the ‘observer’ and on the ‘subjective view’ write down anything that emotionally comes up for you.
The process, helps to look at it with clarity and allows space to release anything that doesn’t serve you. Lastly, open your heart centre to your truth.
Responding calmly is your superpower on how you relate to others. To get into the habit of responding, the first thing is to calm your mind and nervous system. You can do this as a morning go to mind calming ritual. An example is to take 5 to 7 long deep breaths.
You may want to meditate for a 3 to 5 minutes. Prayer is also helpful and calling in white light healing energy to cover your entire bein. Feel it in your heart centre, through your body, veins, cells – imagine it going through you and breathe.