3 Movements Towards Your Life & Career Direction

3 Movements Towards Your Life & Career Direction

✨ Explore
Exploration is the first step to move towards a path to take. Think of your interests and use them as your starting point and then look at resources to begin your research. These might be articles on the topic of interest. Perhaps it’s a company you are interested in, such as their product and or service. Look up their website and read about their services, about page, to gain more understanding about what they do, their mission and purpose. These are a few tips to work through while you’re on your exploration stage.
✨ Uncover
The uncovering stage, is when we become aware of things we may not have thought of before exploring. Things come to light. There may be a sudden epiphany, a creative idea suddenly pops up. It can be a strength you become aware of and solidify in your mind that you are good at it. Uncovering is a time to collect data and add to your grow list of ideas for more clarity towards life and career direction.
✨ Discover
I love discoveries. When we come head on with an insight, a thought, intuitive guidance that’s so strong we can’t ignore. Try to get yourself in a calm state to clear your mind and stay relaxed so you connect with your intuition, the voice of truth, and discoveries will emerge effortlessly. Leading you to the direction that will bring, meaning, joy and fulfilment in all facets of your life.
Enjoy, exploring, uncovering & discovering!
With love, Ant xo
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